Professional practice
Since 12/2020
Acting Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Augsburg, Augsburg Germany
Vice Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery, (Chair: Prof. Volkmar Heidecke) University Hospital of Augsburg, Augsburg Germany
Attending of Neurosurgery, (Chair: Prof. Bernhard Meyer) Technical University of Munich
Board Examination as Certified Neurosurgeon, by the Regional Chamber of Physicians of Bavaria, Germany
Resident of Neurosurgery, (Chair: Prof. Bernhard Meyer) Technical University of Munich
Academic Education
Master of Health Business Administration (MHBA), at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, expected completion 03/2020
PhD: „Predictive Value of Neurophysiological Monitoring during Intracranial Procedures “ Technical University of Munich
Doctoral thesis: „Characterization of the Proline-Rich Synapse-associated Protein 1 Knockout Mouse”, Anatomy and Cellbiology (Chair: Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Böckers) University of Ulm, Germany;
Medical school at University of Ulm in Germany, Rambam Medical Center Haifa Israel and UC Davis in Sacramento California
Publication (as of 12/2020)
65 Peer Reviewed Publication
186,623 Impact points
8 book chapters
345 national and international presentations
(243 talks und 102 poster presentation )